Off-topic: Yahoo registration inaccessible to all blind users

Kirk Wood cpt.kirk at
Wed Jan 23 14:30:53 EST 2002

On Wed, 23 Jan 2002, Steve Holmes wrote:
> That's our whole point! If this kind of shit is used with Yahoo, what's to
> stop other services from using that garbage in the name of tighter
> security? 

Again, the answer is to provide a better answer. Don't just bitch, but
suggest something better. The intent is admirable. And given the amount of
work they do everyday to prevent spam and other resource waste the least
the blind community can do is provide an answer of how to serve them. Many
take this as an attack on the blind people. It isn't at all. It is a
matter of a small group getting caught in the fallout. They would probably
love to cut the cost of a person verifying that you are really a person
and not an automated script. Phone calls cost a lot of money. To the tune
of over a dollar a minute.

Kirk Wood
Cpt.Kirk at

Nowlan's Theory:
        He who hesitates is not only lost, but several miles from
        the next freeway exit.

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