word and pdf documents

David Poehlman poehlman1 at home.com
Sat Jan 19 17:40:06 EST 2002

on the other hand, you could just use the pdf to text conversion tool
and send a document through that which is issentially what google does.
if the document security is set or the file is in some other way not
usable you will have no results.

----- Original Message -----
From: <ddunfee at city-net.com>
To: <speakup at braille.uwo.ca>
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 4:39 PM
Subject: word and pdf documents

Recently we have discussed access to word and pdf documents for linux
users.  A possible approach has occured.  On google search, if a file on
the web is an url, google will translate it into html and/or text for
viewing.  If we could induce google to look at a url where a file is
on a web page of our choice, it would do the conversion for us.  I
if those recent pdf files not accessible are converted by google?  Does
anyone have an example of one which we could ask google to seek to test
this?  Google ranks search results by number of links to a given url.
we set up a page with a wierd title and start to link to it and then ask
google to search for that wierd name, can we force it to find and
files on it?  Just some thoughts for a possible solution.

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