braille fonts

BTBG kheltsley at
Tue Jan 15 10:12:57 EST 2002

Now there's a mental image. Next thing you know we'll have flavored
paper*grin*. Personally I think braille is small enough. If only refreshable
braille displays weren't so expensive.

Once ebooks become more mainstream, things like Braille and Speaks will will
be the way to go in reading massive volumes of reference materials and other
books. A person really could carry that previously mentioned bible in their

Keith H.

A husband is someone who takes out the trash and gives the
impression he just cleaned the whole house.

--- You Wrote: ---

Braille would still be readable if it were much smaller, say a
half or a third of its standard size. The only thing is, you
would have to use your tongue to read it, since your tongue is
(almost) the only part of your body which is sufficiently
How about getting back to computing?

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