More adventures with thinkpad and linux: install methods

Igor Gueths igueths at
Mon Aug 26 13:01:56 EDT 2002

Have you tried installing Debian from the hd?

Explorer has caused a general protection fault in module kernel32.dll. I'm sick of Winblows!
On Mon, 26 Aug 2002, Cheryl Homiak wrote:

> Ok, keep in mind that i'm not yet able to connect to a network or the Internet,
> so that limits my install possibilities. First I tried the old debian woody
> floppies enabled with speakup; was able to do the preliminary steps but had a
> problem when I used the floppies for the base system. they wouldn't extract
> properly after being loaded, maybe because the base system floppies are much
> later than the woody pre-release disks on the speakup site. Tried it twice with
> two sets of floppies; no error messages on any of the floppies themselves. Then
> decided to try red hat, not wanting to go back clear to potato in debian and
> feeling adventurous. great documentation of the install with speakup, btw. Cdrom
> sounded like an airplane starting off the runway but then like one landing and
> turning off engines; must not be set up to boot from cdrom? though floppy is.
> Can't use floppies because cdrom and floppy drive are interchangeable; I hear
> that may eventually be solvable by getting a cable for the floppy drive for
> external; not sure about that. Went ahead and installed DOS with speech since
> i'd
> already partitioned with debian. Unfortunately still can't install Red Hat from
> hard drive because I have no way to get the raw .iso files onto my hard drive.
> Was
> able to get my cdrom going in DOS with a generic cdrom driveer:  oakcdrom.sys.
> Are there any other alternatives for doing an install I haven't thought
> of, and is there any way to change the boot sequence with the thinkpad utilities
> like I did the serial port? Also, when I finally do get this running, if I
> decide to install red hat, is there any way to not have Disk Druid mess up my
> partitions?
> In other words, will I still have to go through and put in mount
> points or is there a way just to get it to recognize and use the partitions
> and mount points that have been done and go on from there?
> Really enjoying my thinkpad, btw.
> Thanks.
> Cheryl
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