Setting up zipspeak

Gregory Nowak gnowak1 at
Fri Apr 12 21:37:55 EDT 2002

Use the me's default serial settings.
Namely, 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bits, software handshake.

On Fri, Apr 12, 2002 at 05:37:56PM -0700, Justin Ekis wrote:
> And after all that, I think I've found the answer.
> Lol. Why didn't I ask this to begin with when it wasn't working? Considering how long I've been using the blazie/fs note takers this should have been obvious.
> Anyone have an idea what communication settings I should be using in the m20 to work with speakup?
> If the transmission speed, data bits stop bits and the like aren't set correctly strange stuff can happen.
> If I can get this set right I'll be all set.
> Thanks.
> *********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
> On 4/12/2002 at 6:39 PM Alex Snow wrote:
> >Well, at least your braille lite said something.  My 2000 won't say
> >anything.
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "Justin Ekis" <JEkis at>
> >To: <speakup at>
> >Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 10:56 AM
> >Subject: Re: Setting up zipspeak
> >
> >
> >Hi.
> >Thanks for the advice.
> >I'm using windows ME so can't boot directly to dos in that version so I
> >have
> >to use a windows startup disk.
> >I found the config.sys that windows put on the startup disk and added
> >device=c:\windows\himem.sys to the area labeled common. This did help
> >somewhat.
> >Now when I start linux the braille lite speaks. But only for a few seconds.
> >It says a few words, but they don't seem to make up any kind of logical
> >sentence, like there's words missing in the middle. But it said something
> >about braille, speakup and the kernal.
> >Then the braille lite stopped speaking and froze up. I know it was the
> >braille lite and not the computer or linux because it wouldn't even respond
> >to the command to take it out of speach box mode.
> >Well, it seems my guess was right. The newer note takers in the series
> >won't
> >work with it.
> >
> >Oh well.
> >I guess I'll have to wait for software speach support.
> >
> >Thanks again.
> >Justin
> >
> >*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
> >
> >On 4/12/2002 at 10:03 AM Pete wrote:
> >
> >>Hi
> >>  I have windows 98 s e  and I go to shutdown and restart in m s dos mode.
> >>I think loadlin needs himem.sys to work but am not sure so I placed a
> >>device=c:\windows\himem.sys
> >>line in the config.sys file.  The config.sys file I have is empty except
> >>for
> >>the line loading himem.sys...  To boot zipspeak or the umsdos slackware
> >>linux I used a l.bat file some thing like this:
> >>@echo off
> >>c:\loadlin\loadlin.exe c:\linux\(kernel name) /dev/hda1
> >speakup_synth=(your
> >>keyword for your synthasiser)
> >>  You will need loadlin.exe the linux loader.  I unzipped the loadlin
> >>program files to c:\loadlin, you don't need to do this except there is
> >>documentation explaining how to use loadlin.  /dev/hda1 is the first
> >>partission on the first drive (C:>) if this is whear your zipspeak
> >>distribution is it should be fine.  There are other parameters you may
> >need
> >>to specifie in the batch file I don't know about.
> >>  Pete
> >>
> >>
> >>----- Original Message -----
> >>From: "Justin Ekis" <JEkis at>
> >>To: <speakup at>
> >>Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 3:41 AM
> >>Subject: Setting up zipspeak
> >>
> >>
> >>Hello again all,
> >>
> >>I'm back and giving linux another try.
> >>I tried several weeks ago but had problems. I've been busy and am now
> >>getting back to it.
> >>Ok, I've managed to get a little farther than the last time I posted. I
> >>have
> >>created a windows me boot disk and tried to start linux  from there. I had
> >>sighted help and when i changed to the c: drive and ran linux.bat they
> >said
> >>they saw some kind of error message but it went by too fast to read. There
> >>was lots of text. My synth didn't say a word though. The problem is I
> >don't
> >>know if I set something up wrong or if it's my ssynth.
> >>The documentation says I can use the braille 'n speak or any of that line
> >>of
> >>blazie note takers for speach I believe, but I use the new braille lite
> >m20
> >>and I think I read somewhere that the braille lite m20 and m40 use
> >>different
> >>speach technology than the earlier products so I don't know if it's
> >>compatible with speakup at all. Would it be possible to use software
> >>speach?
> >>I also could be setting it up wrong though. Am I supposed to put any other
> >>files on the startup disk other than what windows puts on there?
> >>
> >>Thanks much in advance for any help. I've had the extreme misfortune of
> >>running microsoft crashware, er, I mean windows, for more than 5 years and
> >>so now seem to lose all computer knoledge once I'm outside of it. Lol.
> >>
> >>Thanks again.
> >>Justin
> >>
> >>
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