problem with cdrw using abcde/cdparanoia

Cheryl Homiak chomiak at
Mon Apr 1 12:03:14 EST 2002

Hi all!
I did just burn a cd and it turned out quite nicely.
I did the following as root but in my user home directory:
used cdda2wav to make individual files of the tracks, but with the -O cdr option
so they made .cdr files.
2. Typed cdrecord dev=0,0,0 audio_01.cdr -audio audio_02.cdr (etc) to track 10
Originally, I tried dev+/dev/cdrecord:0,0,0 but got errors about read-only file
system; not sure why as it isn't read-only but the other worked so ok.
I don't have any nasty clicks between gaps or anything; it sounds really nice.
However, abcde in general and cdparanoia in particular still don't like my setup
unless I am root. Of course, I did the burn as root, but abcde has allways
worked for me as user and as it goes out to cddb and grabs track information I
would prefer to not be doing abcde as root. It is possible to do this and then
turn ownership of the artist directory over to the user in whose home directory
it is, but I'd prefer to be able to do it as user.
Well, at least I found something that works.

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