the Weather Script
Janina Sajka
janina at
Wed Sep 19 12:21:41 EDT 2001
No problem /usr/bin/weather is herewith attached.
BTW: I'm surprised too, but I like it. No muss, no fuss, just the facts.
Wish it worked outside the U.S. <grin>
On Wed, 19 Sep 2001 jwantz at wrote:
> Hi Janina,
> I don't have a copy of the weather script with Redhat 7.1--at least I
> haven't been able to find it. I'm surprised that the Weather Underground
> still supports telnet. I used to run weather on a Sun back in 1993.
> Jim Wantz
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-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
# weather - Expect script to get the weather (courtesy University of Michigan)
# Don Libes
# Version 1.9
# local weather is retrieved if no argument
# argument is the National Weather Service designation for an area
# I.e., WBC = Washington DC (oh yeah, that's obvious)
exp_version -exit 5.0
if {$argc>0} {set code $argv} else {set code "WBC"}
proc timedout {} {
send_user "Weather server timed out. Try again later when weather server is not so busy.\n"
exit 1
# delete special weather statement question
proc delete_special {s} {
set x [string first " ******" $s]
return [join [lrange [split $s ""] 0 $x] ""]
set timeout 60
#log_user 0
set env(TERM) vt100 ;# actual value doesn't matter, just has to be set
spawn telnet 3000
match_max 100000
while {1} {
expect timeout {
send_user "failed to contact weather server\n"
} "Press Return to continue*" {
# this prompt used sometimes, eg, upon opening connection
send "\r"
} "Press Return for menu*" {
# this prompt used sometimes, eg, upon opening connection
send "\r"
} "M to display main menu*" {
# sometimes ask this if there is a weather watch in effect
send "M\r"
} "Change scrolling to screen*Selection:" {
} eof {
send_user "failed to telnet to weather server\n"
send "C\r"
expect timeout timedout "Selection:"
send "4\r"
expect timeout timedout "Selection:"
send "1\r"
expect timeout timedout "Selection:"
send "1\r"
expect timeout timedout "city code:"
send "$code\r"
expect $code ;# discard this
while {1} {
expect timeout {
} "Press Return to continue*:*" {
send_user "\n[delete_special $expect_out(buffer)]\n"
send "\r"
} "Press Return to display statement, M for menu:*" {
send_user "\n[delete_special $expect_out(buffer)]\n"
send "\r"
} -re "(.*)CITY FORECAST MENU.*Selection:" {
send_user "\n$expect_out(1,string)\n"
send "X\r"
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