Speakup 1.00 thanks

Tony Baechler tony at baechler.net
Tue Oct 23 03:16:53 EDT 2001

Hello.  Basically, Windows decided to backup my ini files and restore
factory defaults.  Mostly I fixed the problems within Windows (like the
registry) but not completely.  The main problem was that it kept running
out of memory because it was using incorrect settings and assuming I had a
lot less memory than I actually have.  Basically, I booted into Linux,
mounted my Win filesystem (this is done at boot time), looked at the ini
files, renamed them just in case, moved its backups to the correct
filenames and rebooted.  This did not totally fix the problem but it
helped.  Speakup in itself did not play a part except that I had speech
feedback so I knew what the heck I was doing when I was renaming files.

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