Fetchmail/Sendmail problem

Mike keithley mkeithley at pobox.com
Wed Jul 25 07:54:29 EDT 2001

On Wed, 25 Jul 2001, Frank Carmickle wrote:

-Hi Mike
-First thing that should be fixed is you getting a reasonable
-nameserver.  This should clear up the problems.  You really don't want to
-change much in the way of sendmail configuration because you don't want to
-open yourself up as a relay for spam.
Thanks for the reply.

I'm on the @home network so I'm using their name servers.  If I wanted to
find another name server, how would I find one to try?  Thanks.

PS.  Last time this croped up I asked the shellworld administrator if he
could find a route to braille.uwo.ca and he couldn't.  

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