DOS equivalent in Linux?

Rob Cymbala cymbala at
Tue Feb 20 14:02:34 EST 2001

On Sun, Feb 18, 2001 at 04:33:49AM +0000, Gregory Nowak wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there a Linux equivalent to'cls'? Thanks.
> Greg

Hi ~~  Keystroke  <Ctrl> + <l>  clears screen (at least with bash).

That's a good keystroke to know, since it has similar function in
other programs...

For example, in emacs it redraws the screen... what does
"redraw" mean?  it's a combination of
  - clear screen (get rid of characters that were written to the
                  screen by non-emacs programs, like kswapd)
  - refresh emacs screen

In Lynx, CTRL-L is "Refresh the screen"

In less, ^L is "Repaint screen"

 ...clear...  ...refresh...  ...repaint...  6 of 1, 1/2 dozen of the other!

* * *

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