dsl and the confusedness the howto brings about various protocols

Kirk Wood cpt.kirk at 1tree.net
Tue Sep 12 06:33:26 EDT 2000

There are other reasons to use two NICs. The first one would be that it is
possible your ISP has their router mis-configured and would allow routed
information to be sent to your subnet. It may also be possible that your
local traffic is reflected elsewhere in your subnet. (This isn't too far
fetched. Sure the switch is only supposed to send your traffic to you, but
they are computers too and my computer has been known to exhibit strange
behavior on occasion.)

The upshot is that either of these situations makes your subnet appear to
some potentially unfriendly people. Is the risk high? I don't think so,
but it is not needed. Let us keep in mind that the reeason you are a
target probably has nothing to do with the information on your
box. Instead you are a target so they can use your machine to attack
someone else causing you to be suspecded by your ISP.

And for any who would doubt their ISP to put a mis-configured router on
the internet, that is what allowed Yahoo and several other major sites to
be taken down. A number of DOS attacks only work because of mis-configured
routers. (This includes allowing source routing and allowing network wide
pings to occur from outside the local net.)

Kirk Wood
Cpt.Kirk at 1tree.net

Seek simplicity -- and distrust it.
		Alfred North Whitehead

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