hearing the audio from a remote system

Brent Harding bharding at ufw2.com
Sun Oct 8 15:29:29 EDT 2000

Oh, there's no way to get audio over telnet like that? I was hoping some
how I could listen to high bandwidth streams at a bandwidth I can work with
on my modem, as there's quite few streams 20k and under.
At 08:36 AM 10/8/00 -0500, you wrote:
>It is quite simple. What you want to do can't be done. When you telnet you
>are working on the remote machine. Fully and completely. All commands are
>carried out the same as if you were on that machine's console (unless
>prohibited or some such thing).
>What you really want is some sort of proxy program to accept the streaming
>data and then forward it to you. As far as changing the bit rate it is
>most likely a forget it situation. Not on current computers. 
>Kirk Wood
>Cpt.Kirk at 1tree.net
>It's not reality that's important, but how you perceive things.
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