help with login please

Gregory Nowak romualt at
Sun Aug 27 13:09:24 EDT 2000


I'm new to this list and to linux. I unzipped the entire zipspeak zip file
onto a zipdisk in an IDE zipdrive    . I boot my system from a disk with
win98 system files on it and run linux.bat from there. Everything works fine
until I get to the "(none) login:" line. I type "root" and hit enter. Linux
pauses for a second or 2 and the zipdisk spins. Then it comes back with the
welcome message which ends with the same login line. Am I doing something
wrong? What do I do to login? I'm using the doubletalk pc kernel. Also, I
hear that there is a command key that will help one use linux if one knows
DOS. Where do I obtain a copy of this command key? Any help would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks.
Greg Nowak

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